Getting Started with Iconico

This tutorial will cover three simple steps needed to get set up on Iconico:

  • Create your Organization.
  • Optionally invite other members to your organization.
  • Select an install applications to the platform.

Create your Organization

Head over to Iconico's Register Page. You will need to provide the following information:

  • Organization Name.
  • Organization Code: this needs to be unique across the system, will be all lowercase and will be used in URLs for your tools (e.g. if your Organization is "Acme, Inc." you might use "acme" as the organization code). When using the Sentinel Network Monitoring tool, your login URL will always be:
  • First name, last name, and email for an Administrator.

And that is it!

You will be redirected to the Administration tool for your organization, which will have the URL followed by your organization code.

Tip: Bookmark the login URL for quick access to the administration panel.

Optional: Invite Users to your Organization

In the Administration tool, under Users tab, you will find the list of every person that has access to your Iconico Organization, their roles and contact information:

Select Invite Users at the top left and fill out the form of the person you want to invite.

It is important to note that Administrators and Users have different accesses to the underlying tools:

Administrator users have access to the Administration tool on top of installed applications and can thus make changes to the list of users, modify billing information (don't worry, this data is not visible to Iconico) and view billing history.
On the other hand, users of type User can only access installed applications (e.g. Sentinel, Scribe) and can't access the administration tool, they can't modify users or modify billing information or view billing history.

Install Applications

If you go over to Apps, you can select and install applications to your organization. Nothing is ever billed before you install an application.

This list will vary with time as new applications are added to the platform.

Keep in mind that even though an application might have a free period, by installing it you agree to a usage based subscription model.